The Newness of the New Year

My New Years resolution this year?  – to do it all differently!  In order to make this happen, I had to take some time to understand what that might even look like.  I decided to start the year by fasting from social media.  I’m not on FaceBook, SnapChat or Twitter but I do spend a decent amount of time on Instagram.  Stepping away gave me more time to hear my own thoughts clearly, allow the Holy Spirit to intervene and just quiet all the noise of distraction.  January was honestly an amazing month.

In the first 31 days of the new year I:

  • Rekindled and renewed beautiful friendships that had gotten lost in the shuffle
  • Made more time for myself (what a concept)
  • Went to acupuncture…twice!
  • Spent a lot of time at Whole Foods and created deliciously healthy meals
  • Had copious snuggles with my sweet boy, cat and even the tortoise
  • Read The Wisdom of Forgiveness (one of the best books EVER) by the Dalai Lama, No Mud, No Lotus by Thich Nhat Hanh and the Book of Revelation
  • Worshiped freely, at home and at church
  • Spent time outdoors, breathing deeply
  • Purchased 3 new plants to bring more life into my home
  • Drank a ton of cold pressed greens and kombucha
  • Booked a beginning of summer trip with 2 of my closest girlfriends and our tribe of children
  • And applied to go back to school…wait…whhhhhaaaaat?

I would say that’s a pretty productive start for 2018.

In the midst of all that “me time”, I had some very clarifying moments.  I feel like I’ve finally turned a corner in understanding this anxiety that I’ve struggled with all my adult life.  I better appreciate relationships for the “now” and know that if they’re not forever, that is ok.  I really have come to appreciate breathing – it’s something we don’t often think about or appreciate (it actually feels extremely taken for granted) but through new deep breathing techniques, I truly value it.  I also have come to understand a huge difference between thinking and being aware (more on that to come in a different post).

All-in-all, January was a fabulous month of reconnecting with myself and I’m very excited to see where this year takes me.  My plan is that each month of 2018 will come with a focal point, a place for me to dedicate my energy and make healthier choices.  January was a time of silencing my ego and clearing my mind.  February is all about nutrition and taking care of myself from the inside out.

Thanks for being on this ride with me…

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